Our Lady of the Rosary Church - Hrajel: A Symbolic Representation of Ascent and Resurrection

Designing a Modern Architectural Expression Rooted in Maronite Tradition

As the mountainous village of Hrajel was getting more and more densely populated, the community felt the need for a bigger church that would complement the existing 18th century Our Lady of the Rosary Church and host all the large religious ceremonies of the village.

The Our Lady of the Rosary Church - Hrajel, designed by MZ Architects, is a powerfully sculptural, symbolic representation of ascent and resurrection amidst the rocky mountainous landscape. The architecture uses simple yet grand means to evoke the desired religious effect. The austere building volume appears as a stairway towards heaven, a recurring biblical metaphor symbolizing spiritual ascent.

The sloping façade, which also serves as the roof of the structure, is based around a triangular geometry, representing the Holy Trinity, one of the cornerstones of Catholic belief. This unique design element directs the visitor's focus to the standalone uplifted cross, rooted in the earth behind the Church and rising high above the Church level.

The entrance of the Church lies amid two stairways, at the end of an open-air porch serving as the narthex, with a protective and nurturing feeling that guides the visitor towards the inside of the Church. The interior plan is a simple and pure rectangle, with a capacity of 672 seated people. The austere yet grandiose interior mirrors the iconic simplicity of the design, creating a worship space where the complexities and struggles of daily life are secondary to a meditative experience, facilitating prayer and contemplation in a very positive way.

A particular attention is dedicated to the treatment of light in the Church interior as an architectural and spiritual medium, emphasizing the sacrality of the space. A slim vertical slot at the center of the altar allows for a dramatic linear penetration of light that crosses the altar and stretches throughout the room, symbolizing the meeting point between God and mankind. The remainder of the space bathes in a halo of diffused sunlight through two large semicircular stained glass screens that also act as vents, creating continuous natural ventilation.

The preservation and appreciation of the Church's surrounding natural landscape was deemed particularly important as an expression of the architects' environmental vision as well as the church's values. The new Church sits in the lap of nature, with the natural rock formations and existing vegetation on site left almost untouched, and partially incorporated in the interior architecture of the Church, recalling a metaphor found in the New Testament for the foundation of the Church.

The extracted natural stone from the site is recycled to be used in building the façade as a completely ecological construction material in harmony with the rural character of the region. Natural stone as a facade material is also known to absorb the heat radiated by the sun, thus preventing unwanted heating up of the Church during the summer.

The Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel Church bears the identity of Maronite tradition with its massive yet austere sculptural volume combined with a modern architectural approach. It is designed to become the main contemplative space for worship for the Maronite community of Hrajel.

The project, located in the village of Hrajel, in the mountains of Lebanon, was launched in 2012 and is currently under construction. The expected duration of construction is 2 years.

This exceptional design was awarded Bronze in the A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2013. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. The Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel Church is esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Marwan Zgheib
Image Credits: Marwan Zgheib
Project Team Members: Architect: MZ Architects
Project Name: Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel
Project Client: Marwan Zgheib

Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel  IMG #2
Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel  IMG #3
Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel  IMG #4
Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel  IMG #5
Our Lady of the Rosary - Hrajel  IMG #5

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